Monday, September 22, 2008

Another Quick Trip

We made a very quick trip to the Okanagan this weekend, but it worked out well.

Sunset is coming earlier every week and we really didn't think we could make it out there before Shabbat, so we packed up the van when Shabbat ended and got to the house around 2 am. Actually, the plan was to load the van before Shabbat but that didn't happen (unless you count the 2 bookshelves I bought Thursday night at IKEA that were in there).

We got going kind of late, about 10 am, but got tons done. Hubby mowed the grass and moved boxes around. I weeded the bed where my rosemary and 2 kinds of mint were being overshadowed by grass and weeds. It looks gorgeous. I also weeded around my one and only grape vine and started thinking about how to protect it through the winter, as well as wondering whether I should prune it at all this year. I cleaned up more of the morning glory type vines that were growing on the chain link fence between our place and our neighbour's. I planted 3 lavender plants (2 in the front, 1 in with the herbs). And, amidst all this, I realized just how much I enjoy pottering about in the garden. I would have happily spent another couple of hours in the garden today. This is A Good Thing, given that I'm planning to eventually grow several acres of both lavender and grapes.

Then I put together the 2 low Billy bookshelves I bought the other night at IKEA (with part of the store credit I had) and placed them in the dining area under the smallest window. There's enough room left over on that wall that I'm going to go back for either another low shelf (but in 40cm wide this time) or take a 40 high with a glass door to use as a display case. I was going to have a display case, but I'd originally planned to have a wider one so I could display more things. We'll see.

We also took the tall bookshelf that will go in our bedroom and 4 or 5 more boxes that belong there. Once I can access my display case in the city (there's another bookshelf in front of it, too long a story for tonight) and fill it, I plan to bring the other boxes of similar fragile items to the Okanagan and create a display there. One of the boxes I brought contains the special ceramic plates with planes on them that my dad got from the airline where he worked for over 30 years. I want to display those on the wall.

DC played with the girl next door most of the day. I also wrote a cheque and dropped it off and then deposited my BC Benefit in the credit union on the way home so there will be enough money in there to cover both the electric bill and the monthly account fee.

We got back to the city just before 11 pm. I think that was a very successful day!

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