Wednesday, July 2, 2008

June's Goals Reviewed

Well, June is over and it's time to look at the goals I set for the first full month of my blog. How did I do?

1. Limit eating out and junk food to $120 for the month. Probably not.
I still have to add my hubby's receipts to the grand total but I'm standing at $88.83 as of June 29th, I know he spent about $20 for food in cash on June 1st when we took the girls to a school fair, and he buys candy regularly including when we travel back and forth to the house. I think we came fairly close though.

2. Lose 3 pounds. No.
I started the month at 129 pounds. I've been up as high as 132 and down as low as 128 but I'm right back at 129 today. And I never got to the gym.

3. Post at least 23 times in June. Yes!
I actually posted 26 times in June. Yay for me.

4. Write at least one book review in June. Yes!
I wrote a four part review of Derek Foster's book "Stop Working, Here's How You Can!"

So, that's 2 out of 4. I'm sort of pleased, although I wish I'd done better.

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